Thursday, June 25, 2009

One Day at a Time..

so its been 3 weeks since my loss.. and i must admit im doing alot better. Better than i expected to be doing. Ive finally come out of my house. Im working again..

I even planned a trip to Jamaica.

i figured that harping on the situation wont change the outcome, so i had to pick myself up and move on.

Me and my baby are still holding on strong.

Im even having my surgery done this saturday. Its all one big staircase that im determind to reach the top of.

Thanks to everybody who showed me support over these last couple of weeks. As much as i thought i needed to go thru it along, sometimes you just need that shoulder, advice, or ear to cheer you on to victory


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Someone call me a young priest and an old priest.

cuz this negrah is in need of some haysoose christo in his life. At least he opted for boxer-briefs this time.

I wonder whats going thru the cameraman's mind during all o this.

please prep for a plethora of KFC grilled chicken chest boys gettin it on 'n Poppaannnn with some new household furniture. Watch your back Eureka vacuum cleaner.

R.I.P. folding chair *tear* you will be missed.

Monday, June 1, 2009

NY Craigslist... LAWD

lmao. i hate my cousin SO EFFIN MUCH!!

she and i have asecret affair with the men seeking men ads on NY Craigslist.

*le frackin sigh* @ this ish right heh so:

watch hot porn on my video ipod while i suck ur dick in ur car (rp, mv, fh - in your car)

hey guys. i'm looking for a local guy or a guy driving through the area who wants their dick sucked while they enjoy hot straight porn on my video ipod. its very tiny but large screen so its small & discreet. pick me up, park on a nearby street, whip it out, get sucked til u cum in my mouth, i swallow, u drop me off back where u picked me up, we part. no strings. no drama. no chat. just enjoy some hot straight porn while u enjoy my slutty mouth. gay/bi/straight whatever. single/divorced/engaged whatever. none of that matters. all races welcome. all body types welcome. all dick sizes welcome. all ages welcome (but you MUST be over 25 only). so all u need is a car & a dick. reply & lets plan it. this ad is for anytime. you can call me nasty names while you fuck my mouth. it just gets me in a sluttier mood.

i thought that was the worst until:

Date: 2009-05-29, 5:54PM EDT

one of the guys on this site that wants you to be generous/gives massages. i asked beforehand if he was clean and he swore he was just tested for hiv and stds and was clean. i found out yesterday that i have herpes (which by the way, is INcurable, and spreadable even if you don't have any sores). i confronted him about it, and he said, oh well-- i hoped you wouldn't get it. turns out he knows he has it, but he doesn't care since he says that if someone is stupid enough to have sex for money, they "deserve it." he even admitted he's given it to several guys, and just laughs about it! he seemed so nice it was hard to believe he's actually a complete low life (in retrospect, it shouldn't be shocking since he is a whore...). now for the rest of my life i'm gonna have to tell anyone i'm about to have sex with that i may give this to them (condoms help a lot from spreading it, but are not 100% since ball sacks often have infected skin cells). all because of one stupid sex encounter! makes me wonder how many other guys (whores or not) are infected since this site is very "incestuous")

so i'm warning you all-- DON'T PAY FOR SEX FROM ANYONE ON THIS SITE! is it really worth it?!! took you getting BURNED to figure this out GENIASS?

Fallen...and i cant get up

*sigh* i think I'm falling in love with newbie. its CRAZY to me too. i cant even tell you WHEN it happened, but i know its happening. and at this point, i don't even want to fight it anymore. I mean, after everything i went thru with Loser i was like " oh hell no Lucifer will be the UPS delivery man before i get into anything with anyone" and now I'm like, head over heels in love with this guy.

I'm not gonna go say he "perfect, & everything i can ask for" because all that shit is for Brenda Jackson novels. We fight, he gets me upset and the works, but he's a man, that's his job . LOL. but at the end of the day, when I'm layin in my bed, and i think about him, he hits me up. Its like he knows, that when I'm with him, im content. All the drama and the stress is out the door. He makes me happy. When I'm with him, i feel sexy, i feel confident, i feel how a woman should feel when shes in a special situation with someone.

and i feel like he knows. i don't know if i should tell him straight out. but i KNOW he knows. He's even dropped the "L" word a few weeks ago and i kind of giggled it off.

Call me a fool, i don't care. You never know.